Our Store

Yellow Eye Beans - 1lb

$6.50 each

Maine grown dry beans.

An heirloom variety prized for its qualities as a baked bean. It has an off white color with a splotch of brown , creamy texture and down to earth flavor. It holds its shape well when cooking. Approximately ½ inch in length. It is the bean of choice in Maine and New England and a very popular bean here at Eureka Farms. This is our families favorite bean here at the farm. In the winter we bake them in the oven and in the summer we bake them in the ground, MMMmmm, Bean Hole Beans!

Home Baked Bean Recipe

In Our Store in Palmyra, We Accept

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Harvest Host

Real Maine

All prices are subject to change. Many of our item photos have price tags showing, but please be aware that those prices may not be accurate.